If you think you may have ADHD, the first step is ADHD testing.
Actually, the term “ADHD testing” is a bit misleading. The process of diagnosing ADHD is more of an evaluation based on interviews and a battery of neuropsychological assessments.
Fortunately, no matter your situation, your ADHD can be managed with proper diagnosis, therapy, and/or coaching.
A Bit about ADHD
There are three types of ADHD:
- Inattentive type
- Hyperactive-Impulsive type
- Combined type (this is most common)
Who can be tested for ADHD?
In my practice, I evaluate individuals aged 8 and up for ADHD.
Can you outgrow ADHD?
If you were diagnosed with ADHD as a child, the hyperactivity piece may have diminished over time, but that doesn’t mean you have outgrown your ADHD. Certain symptoms of ADHD can affect you for a lifetime.
What are the treatments for ADHD?
Keep in mind, ADHD is a spectrum disorder. The degree to which a person has ADHD may range from mild to severe. Treatments for ADHD include therapy, coaching, and medication where necessary.
ADHD Testing: What to Expect (and Do You Need It)
In my New York City practice, ADHD evaluations are very in-depth. They include:
- IQ Testing. There is a link between working memory, processing speed, and ADHD
- Psychoeducational Evaluation. This tests your ability to learn and uncovers learning impairments
- Neuropsychological Testing. This determines cognitive functioning — reasoning, memory, attention, language, etc.
Why do so many different tests need to be performed to determine if a person has ADHD?
Although you are trying to determine whether a person has an attention problem, other cognitive categories can be affected by ADHD, such as executive functioning (ability to plan, organize, and complete tasks), memory, and auditory learning.
ADHD testing generally takes around 3-4 hours.
Do I Need ADHD Testing?
Many of my patients are college and post-graduate students who are experiencing the following symptoms:
- Struggling academically — maybe even on academic probation
- Difficulty completing work in a timely manner
- Difficulty keeping appointments
- Disorganization
- Interpersonal problems — feel like they’re having trouble engaging, listening, and staying present in relationships
- Impulsivity
Many of these students were able to excel in high school with few problems, but with a more rigorous schedule — and less structure — it becomes much harder to ignore the symptoms.
Why Should I Get Tested?
If you think you have ADHD, it’s important to be properly diagnosed for three main reasons:
Sometimes testing reveals other conditions as well. It’s not uncommon to see overlaps with other conditions.
To get the proper treatment plan. This means we have to determine your primary areas of concern and your goals, as well as where you fall on the spectrum of ADHD.
If you’re a student, you may qualify for extra time or other special accommodations during standardized tests.