Dr. Muggli is licensed to practice telehealth in most U.S. states.
Dr. Muggli is licensed with the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact (PSYPACT). PSYPACT is an agreement allowing psychologists in participating jurisdictions to practice across state lines, via telehealth or temporary in-person practice.
View PSYPACT participating states here.
Virtual therapy sessions are a great way to receive all the benefits of in-person, one-on-one therapy from the comfort of your own home.
Teletherapy has been a wonderful tool for people to focus on their mental health during the pandemic, without putting themselves at risk. But not only that – teletherapy is great for the modern busy person. We live in a fast-paced world and it’s tough to slow down and prioritize yourself. Fortunately, we can leverage the benefits of technology and prioritize our mental health from anywhere in the world!
If you’re experiencing any of the following, teletherapy might be the perfect fit for you:
- Anxiety
- Feeling depressed or sad
- Going through a life transition
- Wanting to make a change in your life
- Need help meeting goals
Through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, I can help you shift your ways of thinking, give you practical tools to use in your everyday life to manage anxiety and accomplish your goals, as well as help you learn mindfulness strategies and self-compassion.
The Benefits
Teletherapy sessions:
- Allow you to connect with a licensed therapist wherever you are
- Give you all the benefits of in-person therapy (as opposed to text or phone therapy)
- Allow you to make mental health a priority despite the busyness of life, travel, work, etc.
The Details
- You must reside in a PSYPACT® Participating State
- Sessions are 45-50 minutes long (initial consultation of 15 minutes is free; first full-length session may run up to 60 minutes, but thereafter will be 50 minutes)
- Sessions are conducted through a HIPAA-compliant platform to ensure confidentiality and protect your privacy
Contact us today to schedule your first teletherapy session!